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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Update Post

Posted by Unknown at 3:36 PM
Hello everyone,

  I'm writing this with a level of frustration that I thought impossible. I promise to tell you why but not right away because you'll probably get really confused.

  I just got home from a family "Spring Break Vacation" where I was strictly prohibited to take my laptop and iPad (don't ask me why), thankfully I was allowed to bring my phone with me. This is the reason why I haven't posted anything this past few weeks. Believe me when I say that I'm very sorry for it.

Why am I so frustrated?

  Well, I turned on my laptop with an incredible amount of excitement. After checking my email I decided to see how was my giveaway doing. I logged on to my Rafflecopter account to discover that my giveaway had mysteriously disappeared from my profile. I got really panicked and went to my blog. When I opened the giveaway post I saw the box with the possible entries loading and I felt relieved. The feeling didn't last long because when it finished loading I saw a message that said "This contest is no longer accepting entries" which is really strange because the giveaway was supposed to end tomorrow (April 6, 2015).  But that's not all, it says that there only 16 entries which is impossible because there were about 300 entries before I left. After taking a deep breath I sent an email to Rafflecopter explaining what happened and now I'm writing this post explaining it to you.

  There are no words that can express how I am feeling. I know that I let you guys down and I'm truly sorry for that. I still don't know what I'm going to do with the giveaway. If I get all the entries back everything will proceed as it was supposed to. If not, I suppose I'm going to start a new giveaway (probably a better one to make it up to you guys) because I want it to be fair and I think that selecting a winner without the entries will go against that.

  I hope that every single one of you will understand this and accept my apologies.

Thank You


Unknown said...

Shame that is horrible! I know I was confused when I checked back and saw that I had submitted 12 out of 16 entries, which seemed really weird! Hope you can sort it out :)

Unknown said...

@Kayla Arnold Thank You for understanding. :)

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