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I hope you enjoy every single review, as much as I enjoy writing them.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Review Policy

Posted by Unknown at 2:49 PM
*I'm currently accepting review copies*

  If you are an author or publisher and would like for me to review your book, know that I would be delighted and appreciative to do so. I only ask that you take into consideration that it fits the genres listed below. I normally post my reviews here on my blog, on twitter, and good reads. All of this in approximately 10-15 days after having accepted the review request. As for the formats, I accept physical copies (Preferably) and eBooks through NetGalley and Edwelweiss.
I am also available for hosting and participating in blog tours as long as the book fits into any of the categories listed below.
If interested please contact me at: bookhookedreviews@gmail.com

Accepted genres:
  •  Young Adult
  1. Contemporary
  2. Romance
  3. Fantasy
  4. Sci-Fi/ Dystopian
  5. Mystery/Thriller
  6. Paranormal
  7. Steam-punk
  8. LGBT
  • New Adult
  1. Chick-lit
  2. Contemporary Romance
  3. Thriller/Suspense
  4. Mystery/Crime

Genres not accepted:
  • Non-fiction
  • Memoirs
  • Erotica

Thank You.


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